Organic Village Project Pilot

The Indonesian Organic Alliance (IOA) together with Lestari Mandiri developed an organic farming village model by integrating village regulations, rural socio-economic development, involvement of women and youth, integrated organic farming with climate mitigation concepts, and community guarantees. This organic farming village model is located in Sruni Village, Musuk District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia.

The organic farming village model is an example of applying the village concept based on a holistic local wisdom approach. A village with a variety of community activities can become one unit in the concept of organic farming. The development of an organic farming village model based on a regional or local approach is an example for the development of an organic farming village that the government has previously tried to develop. Since February 2021, Sruni Village has been actively working on various capacity building training related to organic farming and efforts to build organic living mindset and behaviors in the Sruni Village community.

Tanam Produk Organik
Kebun Keluarga
Pelatihan Bisnis Model
Pelatihan Produk Olahan Singkong