Improving Small Organic Farmers Income towards Sustainable Organic Agriculture Movement in Indonesia
The development of organic agriculture at this time has not had a significant impact on the economy of farmers, especially small farmers. Most farmer groups are still weak in product traceability and post-harvest handling. In trade, traceability and post-harvest handling are keys to sustainable marketing.
In addition, good product handling produces quality that meets the standards will add value to farmers’ selling prices. If organic products are not handled properly, organic products are often priced the same as conventional products. The lack of contribution of organic agriculture in increasing the income of farmers and organic farming actors is feared to have an impact on the sustainability of organic agriculture.
Based on this situation, IOA collaborates with BfdW (Bread for The World) to increase economic value in developing sustainable organic agriculture. This activity is in the form of increasing the capacity of IOA members and their assisted farmers in managing a sustainable organic farming business model, post-harvest handling, application of ICS (internal control system) to maintain product traceability, participatory guarantee system or PAMOR Indonesia, and organic market development through business meetings. IOA also encourages advocacy for organic agriculture policies at the national level, and actively conducts publications and research on organic agriculture.
